
Hi! I'm Lou. I share yogic mindset & tools to take you from burned out to lit up 🔥

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🧬 your energetic blueprint

Hi Reader, The other day I found myself watching a video about this new workout to look lean & sexy in under 15min a day. I scrolled down and was shown a powerful meditation technique that can 10x your productivity. Then spent the next hour googling / fantasizing about this perfect body and focused mind that could be mine if only... (ofc without actually trying a single of these exercises 🥲) Let's face it, the wellness & self-dev industry is NOISY. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed and...

Hi Reader, did you miss me? :) I blanked out on sending last week's NL because I was SO EXCITED about hosting my 1st yoga retreat! And it went amaziiiing 🎵 Finding SPACE was the main theme of the retreat and it was a great opportunity to reset in a supportive and quiet environment. The real flex though is how to bring this renewed energy, calm and balance within everyday conditions that are far from "perfect". When the phone is pinging every 5min, more work is added to your already full...

Hi Reader, It's good to be back! I just returned from 3 weeks in Goa (India) to connect with the land of yoga and deepen my personal practice. Do you know it was the first time I ever went to a yoga retreat? Of course I was like a kid at a candy shop 😇 I met the most wonderful teachers, made new friends, had an 'ashram'-like experience, immersed myself in the local culture... and filled my heart to the brim. Most of us look at the turn of the year as a time to look ahead. Instead I tried to...

Hi Reader, I've just returned from a magical 3 weeks yoga trip to India - which you'll hear all about in my Friday newsletter ;) But first, I wanted to quickly drop in your inbox to share on an exciting news.. I'm hosting (my first ever) yoga retreat on the weekend of March 8th-10th! 🦋 The Spaces in Between is your invitation to unwind, resource and infuse ease in both body & mind, surrounded by beautiful nature and people. 🦋 Expect a mix of accessible practices including vinyasa, pranayama,...

Reader, I don't know about you but I’m sick of this narrative that purpose is only found in your work (a.k.a economic utility 🤢) When I was in startupland, everyone was going on and on about finding your “why”. I makes sense that having a clear vision is essential. But after a while something didn't quite sit right with me... it felt like this WHY was all-encompassing y'a know? The view went like this 👇🏼 Entrepreneurship is hard. (true) If you’re not OBSESSED with what you do - to the...

Hi Reader, The other day I read that modern humans now have a shorter attention span than a goldfish… 8 seconds 😱 🐠 This lack of focus is a real time & energy drainer. Here's why: Each time you check your phone, inbox or fridge, one study found that it can take you up to 23 min to come back on task. I’ll let you do the math.💀 If you’re anything like me, you like to get the job done and can be laser-focused. But at times, you go down a distraction wormhole to finally emerge and wonder where TF...

Reader, Do you catch yourself always saying you're "busy" and "tired" when someone's asking you what you've been up to? Because that's totally me - soooo many times it's embarassing! And while it might be a socially accepted response (and sadly expected and worn like some badge of honor). It’s NOT normal to continuously feel drained & scattered. I know first-hand the morning dread, brain fog and mild panic that comes from trying to be across all of the things. And I decided long ago that...

The real reason so many of us flirt with burnout or put up with feeling depleted for too long is because of this: Deep down you believe that changing is more painful than staying the same. When you’re constantly stressed & fried, getting a new planner or going on a vacation just won’t cut it. You need to get to the root of the problem. Which means rolling up your sleeves and becoming real honest with yourself. This process of building self-awareness, setting boundaries, and figuring out what...

Hi Reader, The other day, a client left me a voice note to let me know how beneficial our weekly coaching calls have been for him. Then he said something that put the biggest grin on my face! "Since working with you, I've felt the most rested and happiest that I've been in YEARS." What?? And this happened in just 6 weeks!!! Of course I felt proud of these results. But this wasn't all me. This client (who is also a good friend of mine) knew he was headed for burnout. As a self-employed, he was...

"What I would do as a swamped solopreneur to create more work-life balance without losing sight of my vision" with a landscape in the background of a girl siting on the grass by the sea

Is work-life balance a myth? And if not, why is it so elusive? This came up for me when I quit my job and went out on my own as a biz consultant slash yoga teacher in the making. I knew I wanted to take a break from being an employee so I could figure out what I wanted. Only to realise that more freedom doesn't automatically mean more balance. Because I didn't need a 9-5 job to still put maximum pressure on myself. At first, I dove into the same patterns that fried my nervous system in the...